Mother Nature has created a system where carbon dioxide is naturally sequestered and system is trees, trees and trees!! Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the
air and, Chlorophyll with the help of sun light breaks carbon dioxide in to carbon and oxygen. Carbon is converted to wood and oxygen is released in to the atmosphere.

Deforestation and green house gas production is a function of living and are proportional to each other.

Trees are purchased online to be planted on lands owned by Regrow-trees Corporation
Trees are planted by Local Vendors/contractors and GPS coordinates are issued
Co-ordinates are attached permanently to owner’s names in database maintained by Regrow trees Corporation. Tree Certificates are issued and delivered by Regrow-trees Corporation

Land Strategy

Regrow-trees purchases land from every available sources specially farmers. There are two advantages namely the land will be permanently dedicated to the forest and cannot be cleared for farming again. Secondly planted forest will be properly managed by Regrow trees

Proof of Planted tree

Trees are planted by vendors in your area of preference. Image of tree that is planted and land co-ordinates of the location are generated. This enables the tree to be accredited and earns carbon credits

Title of Ownership

The Planted Trees are assigned accurate GIS coordinates. This allows the owner to monitor the growth of the trees. Regrow-trees maintain a database of trees with owner’s name. These records are permanent. Regrow-tree will issue a title for the tree and hence the tree can be traded on commodity exchanges.

Explore Regrow