
1.Origin Country: Teak (Tectona grandis) is native to the tropical regions of South and Southeast Asia. It is primarily found in countries such as India, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia.

2.Variety and Color: Teak wood is renowned for its golden to medium brown color with dark streaks. The heartwood is particularly prized for its durability and attractive appearance.

3.Edibility and Commercial Use: Teak wood is highly valued for its commercial use in the construction of furniture, boat building, flooring, and decking due to its natural resistance to decay and insects. It is not consumed as food.

4.Native/Wild or Commercial: Teak trees are both native and commercially cultivated. They are often grown in plantations to meet the high demand for their valuable timber.

5.Commercial Long/Short Term: Teak trees are grown for long-term commercial purposes, as it takes several decades for the trees to reach maturity and develop the high-quality heartwood that is so sought after.

Short Description:

  • Teak: Native to Southeast Asia, Teak is celebrated for its exquisite golden-brown wood. Prized for its strength and resistance to decay, it is a premier choice for fine furniture, marine applications, and outdoor decking.

Price: $40.00

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