
1.Origin Country: The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is native to the Indian subcontinent, including India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. It has been cultivated and used for thousands of years in these regions.

2.Variety and Color: Neem trees have compound leaves with numerous leaflets and produce small, white flowers and olive-like fruits. The leaves are typically a bright green color.

3.Edibility and Commercial Use: Neem leaves, seeds, and oil are used for various purposes. While the leaves are not commonly consumed as food, neem oil is used in cosmetics, soaps, and pharmaceuticals. Neem is also known for its traditional use in Ayurvedic medicine for its potential health benefits.

4.Native/Wild or Commercial: Neem trees are both wild and commercially cultivated. They are traditionally grown for their medicinal and pest-repellent properties and are commonly found in rural and urban areas of their native regions.

5.Commercial Long/Short Term: Neem trees are grown for both short-term and long-term commercial purposes. They are valued for their relatively fast growth and the production of neem oil, which has various applications.

Short Description:

  • Neem: Native to the Indian subcontinent, the Neem tree offers a wide range of uses, from its medicinal properties in Ayurvedic medicine to its role in cosmetics and pest control. Its vibrant green leaves and distinctive fruits are iconic in the region.

Price: $40.00

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