
1.Origin Country: The Pistachio tree (Pistacia vera) is native to the arid regions of Western Asia and the Middle East, particularly Iran, where it has been cultivated for thousands of years. It is also grown in neighboring countries like Turkey, Syria, and Iraq.

2.Variety and Color: Pistachio trees produce small, oval-shaped nuts with hard shells. The edible kernel inside the shell is typically a pale green color. The leaves of the Pistachio tree are compound and deciduous, with multiple leaflets.

3.Edibility and Commercial Use: Pistachio nuts are highly edible and are consumed as a popular snack, in culinary dishes, and as an ingredient in desserts and confections. They are also used to make pistachio oil. The wood of the Pistachio tree is not commonly used commercially.

4.Native/Wild or Commercial: Pistachio trees are both wild and commercially cultivated. While they are native to certain regions of Western Asia, they have been extensively cultivated for their nuts in orchards.

5.Commercial Long/Short Term: Pistachio trees are grown for long-term commercial purposes. It can take several years for the trees to mature and start producing nuts, and well-maintained pistachio orchards can remain productive for several decades.

Short Description:

  • Pistachio: Originating in the arid regions of Western Asia, the Pistachio tree bears small, pale green nuts with a unique flavor. These nuts are a popular snack and a versatile ingredient in culinary creations.

Price: $50.00

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