Bocote Tree

1.Origin Country: Bocote (Cordia gerascanthus) is native to various countries in Central and South America, including Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

2.Variety and Color: Bocote wood is known for its striking appearance, featuring a golden to dark brown color with dramatic dark grain lines and swirling patterns. The wood is highly valued for its aesthetics.

3.Edibility and Commercial Use: Bocote wood is not edible, but it is highly sought after for its use in woodworking, cabinetry, and furniture making. It's prized for its beautiful grain patterns and durability.

4.Native/Wild or Commercial: Bocote trees are typically found in their native habitats in Central and South America. However, due to the desirability of their wood, they are sometimes cultivated in plantations for commercial purposes.

5.Commercial Long/Short Term: Bocote is primarily grown for long-term commercial purposes due to the slow growth of the trees and the high demand for their wood in fine woodworking projects.

Short Description:

  • Bocote: This tree, native to Central and South America, is a woodworker's dream. Its golden to dark brown wood, adorned with striking grain patterns, brings warmth and elegance to furniture and crafts.

Price: $40.00

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